she assists you!
- Is Interactive
- Is friendly
- Can speak, and understand Hindi & Urdu
Can perform calculations like conversion between kilometers and miles
- Reminds users on events like New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, Christmas, and their birthday
Built-in apps
- Audio Player + visualizer
- ayeshRanslate
- Ayeshnary
- ayeshCulator
- Calendar
- CaloTracker
- Simple Canvas/Drawing App (beta)
- Currency Converter
- Expense Tracker
- Fisave: Net Worth Tracking
- Habit Building Helper; build a new habit, today, a good one!
- Music Jukebox
- Notes
- Text Reader
- Live Weather
- Lyricopedia
- Meal Finder / Recipes app
- Metronome
- Mortgage Calculator
- Motivator
- MovieDB, Movies app
- ayeshTube
- MyBookList
- My Recipes
- New Year Countdown
- Password Generator
- Percentage Calculator
- Quotes app
- Relaxer
- Temperature Units Converter
- Today In Google Doodles History/ Event of the day
- SnapShot
- Space data app
- Stopwatch/ Timer
- Todo/Reminder
- Unit Converter
- Voice-controlled PDF Viewer/ Book Reader (again, Speech Recognition isn't supported by browsers other than Chrome & Samsung Internet)
- Voice Notes
- Weight Units Converter
- Work Day Scheduler
Built-in games
- 2D Breakout
- Chase-The-Box
- Dungeon Crawler
- Fotoflick
- FlappyBird
- Game Of Games, an adventurous RPG
- Hangman
- Light Maze
- Math game
- Maze game
- Miner of Lava
- Monopoly (experimental)
- Memory Game
- Pacman
- Rock Paper Scissors
- Simon Says
- Space Invaders
- Tic Tac Toe
- The Construstor, a game of logic
- Trivia game
- Truth or Dare
Some games might not work on mobile devices because they are not yet
optimized for them.
Since the main purpose of this app is to assist you, all aforelisted games
are kept simple.
Changelogs will soon be listed here